Childcare business software

The Childcare on-line Booking (CoB) system provides a childcare business software solution that includes registration, bookings, parent queries and feedback, fees for after-school activities, fees for breakfast clubs, after-school activities, extra fees for transport, after-school childcare (i.e. childcare that starts when after-school clubs are over and goes up to 6pm or later); holiday childcare fees, session fees, daily fees and, most importantly, on-line payments using credit cards, debit cards and childcare vouchers.

Childcare administrators have full control of the breakfast clubs, after-school activities and holiday clubs, enabling you to change the capacity (to suite staffing levels etc), fees and discounts via the user friendly administrative interface. Technical support is provide via our online support system, although we’re happy to talk you as well. We’ve worked with a wide variety of after school providers from both the public and private sectors, so understand the challenges you face.

We can provide you with an online demonstration that enables you to explore the childcare business software in your own time, without any pressure and happy to help you get up and running and have a transparent pricing structure without any hidden costs and will receive free upgrades. There is no limit on the number of locations, clubs, etc so CoB can grow with your business and is completely scaleable.

The software is protected by our security architecture, preventing unauthorised access to the system. The information collected and stored is your data, so you’ll need to ensure you have registered with the Infomation Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to comply with the Data Protection Act, if you haven’t already done so.

Childcare online Booking Website
Visit our dedicated Childcare online Booking (CoB) website