Childcare online Booking pricing


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We know that running an after school or holiday club is a constant challenge of balancing the books, so we only charge a transaction fee – based on bookings processed, enabling you to get up and running as quickly as possible, with no risk. If you don’t process any bookings, we don’t charge any fees. *


We charge a minimum fee of fifty pounds per month, if your transaction fees are less than this amount, but during the pandemic, we have suspeded these charges in support of our wraparound childcare settings. After all we are all in the same position and need to support each other.


If you would like a demo, please let us know and we’ll set-up an account for you, so that you can see exactly how CoB works, from both your perspective and the parents.

Childcare on-line Booking (CoB)

All fees are subject to the standard rate Value Added Tax (VAT) and out terms and conditions of use.