Online security architecture
We’ve developed a security system that protects all of our on-line systems, ensuring that your website and on-line database applications are protecting from the increasing threat of on-line security. It’s prevented more than 8,620 attempts to hack our clients on-line database applications & websites after suspicious activity, in 2021 (based on data collected 3dr March 2021) and in 2020, we prevent 45,139 attacks!
In previous penetration tests, the ethical hackers / penetration team had to ask for the security tier to be disabled after their IP address was blocked almost immediately and we now use penetration testing software (OWASP ZAP) to check for vulnerabilities prior to launching updated solutions, to ensure systems we’ve developed are as safe as possible.
We have updated our security system with a number of enhancements to protect against cross site scripting XSS, Directory traversal (path injections), code and SQL injections, as well as public files using our updated script called “Saint Peter” (the keeper of the “keys to the kingdom”).
We continue to monitor and update our security class to ensure our systems are secure by design that is now a key component to securing the personal data your business holds, now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into force, since May 2018 and was superseded by GDPR (UK) in January 2021, after BreXit.