Responsive website design
Responsive Website Design (RWD) is a relatively new term that describes a website design that can be viewed on any device, including a smart phone or tablet, as well as more traditional laptops and devices. Whilst many of the underlying technologies – like HTML 5 and CSS 3 (published in October 2014) and Flex Box Layout that’s yet to be formerly adapted by W3C (it’s currently a Candidate Recommendation (CR) – are only just emerging, Google has introduced its mobile friendly test and said that it will penalise websites that don’t pass its test.
The website design community have come up with a myriad of solutions to solve the challenge of rendering your website on your visitors device, be it an iPhone, Android tablet and Windows PC.
Responsive design with WordPress
We can also create WordPress websites – a free and open-source content management system that features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes – that is idea for small businesses that want a straight forward content managed website or ecommerce website (using woocommerce). Whilst we are able to develop more sophisticated online database applications, often WordPress will meet your needs.
New generation of applications
All our new web based applications are now designed as fully responsive that means that your users can access business critical data whilst on the move. It’s nothing new, in fact the first mobile application we developed was back in 2004 for The Montpellier Group, who used XDA hand held devices to access data.
We have updated our frame work (Golem) to ensure all applications are fully responsive; clients are increasing asking for web based applications that can be accessed on the move, integrating with their email so that users are given calls to action, to confirm appointments, etc.,
We are just about to launch a coaching management system that The Executive Coaching Consultancy uses to manage one-to-one coaching and workshops, ensuring busy coaches can retrieve information about their coaching appointments and feedback to their support team, based in Shoreditch, in London.
The coaches access information on the move and have a slimmed down version (shown below) of the system accessed via smartphones that enable them to confirm coaching appointments. The system is due to be be launched – after extension user acceptance testing – at the beginning of August.