Web development

Our philosophy is based upon the needs of your target audience and understanding their requirements. We specialise in developing intuitive solutions where focus on the User eXperience (UX) whilst developing lightweight, robust, secure on-line database applications.

We combine our creative imagination and analytical logic with an understanding of your needs

Our approach to web application development is similar to our bespoke software development, in that we use an approach a-kin to an architect. Building a house without an architect’s input would be as disastrous, in the same way that attempting to build a sophisticated, database driven web based application for your business would be! We combine our creative imagination and analytical logic with an understanding of your needs that ensures your web application will match up to your expectations.

Online database applications

We have over 20 years experience, developing bespoke solutions for businesses and our Managing Director has been developing intranet and extranet applications since 1996, when he developed a wide area network solution for a government agency and national supermarket chain. Since founding the business in 2002 Ayrmer Software has developed over a hundred bespoke solutions for businesses worldwide.

Whilst many of the systems developed by Ayrmer Software are not accessible to the general public, we’ve also developed a number of ecommerce websites and client facing solutions for businesses across the United Kingdom that include https://www.sjsportscars.com/.

Other example include online database applications designed specifically for businesses to help make complex tasks simple. The example below shows the user interface for a global coaching business and enables them to manage a coaching team on four continents from there head quarteres in London and has proved invaluable during the global pademic, where the administrtaion and management team have been forced to work from home.

Website Database Application

Responsive Ecommerce Website Design

Website Database Application

Responsive Online Database Driven User Interface

Online database applications

We have over 20 years experience, developing bespoke solutions for businesses and our Managing Director has been developing intranet and extranet applications since 1996, when he developed a wide area network solution for a government agency and national supermarket chain. Since founding the business in 2002 Ayrmer Software has developed over a hundred bespoke solutions for businesses worldwide.

Whilst many of the systems developed by Ayrmer Software are not accessible to the general public, we’ve also developed a number of ecommerce websites and client facing solutions for businesses across the United Kingdom that include https://www.sjsportscars.com/.

Other example include online database applications designed specifically for businesses to help make complex tasks simple. The example below shows the user interface for a global coaching business and enables them to manage a coaching team on four continents from there head quarteres in London and has proved invaluable during the global pademic, where the administrtaion and management team have been forced to work from home.

Website Database Application

Responsive Ecommerce Website Design

Website Database Application

Responsive Online Database Driven User Interface

WordPress websites

We can also create WordPress websites – a free and open-source content management system that features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes – that is idea for small businesses that want a straight forward content managed website or ecommerce website (using woocommerce). Whilst we are able to develop more sophisticated online database applications, often WordPress will meet your needs.

WordPress for Schools
Childcare online Booking Website

Childcare online Booking (CoB)

We developed a bespoke solution for a local wrapaound childcare provider that supported over fifteen local schools and communities back in 2009 and have since lauched the Childcare online Booking (CoB) system, as a product and is now our flag ship solution for the childcare sector.

We use a variety of tools and are not tied to any one technology, but our preferred environment is Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, often referred to LAMP and can also create WordPress websites.

Childcare online Booking Software

Responsive Database Driven Interface